When I sleep at night, I like it dark. I like my bedroom, my temple, dark and cold.
That is when I sleep my absolute best. I fall into a deep coma.
I completely disconnect from the world. It is fucking great.
When it goes dark, the room lights up.
Tons of little green and red and blue stars come out. It feels like space.
There's the solid vibriant glow of the 19 inch widescreen monitor power light.
The cyber funk techno light show of my modem. The chargers for the cellphones and acessaries. The keyboard light. The laptop light. The TV light.
And the clocks....
Let me tell you about the clocks. Four clocks in all.
The cablebox clock. Usually the only one that is right.
The Wall clock. Not practical in modern technology,used mostly as decoration.
The desk clock. Mine is a basketball shaped clock complete with buzzer beater alarm.
I recieved it as a gift when I was eleven years old. Sentimental...
Last is the Alarm clock. The alarm clock is in the hall of fame of clocks.
Its simply a good idea with a terrible track record. Limitless possibilities.
A cool gadget with many features. A worthy investment.
They've failed us...We blame them for our lack of disapline in waking in the morning. Or waking in the evening for those unfortunate souls that work the graveyard shift.
Its usually two or three minutes off. They are now reinforced durability.
Built to withstand powerfull blows from tired and angry wakers.
Some people have one alarm clock last a good 12 or 15 years.
Illuminating my deep space groove.
The steady humming of a box fan to avoid the scary abyss of silence.
I drift off confident that my alarm will save me once again from the terror of dreams...