
My Discount Online Gallery

I've finally got around to getting an online gallery up and functioning. Its nothing special. I simply watched a tutorial on the layers site about photoshop and setting up an online web gallery. I'm running it off of a free hosting site since funds are tight right now. freehostia was pretty user friendly and quick to set up. I plan to purchase my own domain soon and am hard at work on a badass real site for my work. This will do for now. Have a look and let me know what you think. (of my art, not the site).





Sign of the Gemini

Here is a tatoo design I was conmissioned for. The client wanted the symbol and the dual faces incorporated into the design.


City of Sound

Above is a logo design for a music production company called Chi Brotha Productions. The brief called for a combination of a sound wave and the Chicago city skyline. Nuff said.

DJ Render


I'm starting this blog with a confession. A confession of something I'm not proud of. I seem to have fallen into a cycle of blog failure. I have started blogs in the past with the intention of maintaining and updating it on a regular basis. And I do at first, but as time goes on and things happen, I somehow stop posting as frequently as I set out to. Or worse, I stop posting all together. I wish I could say that its because of being busy with work or some other good excuse, but the truth is that I'm just lazy. I've never drawn many readers or followers with my blogs. And although I love attention and recognition, I've never been great at self promotion. I just don't think I'm that interesting. I've started this blog with the intention or posting my artwork and thoughts to share with others because I believe I have something to say. So I will make a promise to post frequently with interesting content and commentary. I promise to stay motivated and do my best to entertain anyone interested. Confessing is my first step to changing my ways.

DJ Render