Over the next few days I'll be posting about the behind the scenes of me, sort of a poor mans MTV's Cribs. This first one focuses on my workspace. This is where I spend countless hours creating amazing things. Sometimes upto 20 hours a day!
The Workspace.
1. Laptop- Sony Vaio- never leave home without it...
2. Sturdy drawing table- Every artist should have one.
3. Tools of the trade- markers, brush pens, straight edges, etc...
4. Bulletin boards- I used these mostly for storyboarding.
5. Expensive noise cancelling headphones- gotta have beats...

The Desktop.
I use my old desktop occasionally.
Notice the maditory framed matrix poster. (official nerd requirement)
The Stuff.
1. Several books. Various genres.
2. Essential inspirational DVD's. I have about 700 dvds, but a select few are kept within reach.
3. Tripod...self explanitory.
4. Junk box. Everything that doesn't fit in a specific place lands here.
5. Toys...ah, I'm mean, collectibles. Many more not pictured.
Stay tuned for the next post: The gym!