
My Falling World...09/28/2908

I sit at the edge and take in the atmosphere. Today is clear. It’s the first tolerable day in 9 days. The fucking humidity chokes me. Today is starting out decent. From this point, I can see the whole damn valley. Sometimes you have to be thankful for fucking blind luck. I’m thankful that I went and got a job driving around the city daily. I have a front row seat at watching the destruction of a society, strangling itself. Lucky I don't always have to be down in the middle of that mess. You may say, Oh well this is just vulgar hateful ridiculousness. It’s worthless nonsense. I may not disagree with you. However, in a time such as this, the one who sits back and witnesses the destruction has just as much right to as the ones who fight. And since entertainment values overtook moral values back in the day, fuck off.

From way up here, daily human activities look like a bad video game. Or worse, bad realities TV show. This vantage point must be why the CEO’s and executives look at us like we are so small. They live up in these insanely over priced compounds. Up above in the hills. They wake up in the morning naked, looking over the whole valley like a Monopoly game board. So when I walk by their kind in a grocery store, they look right past me. It’s as if I were a ghost. During the day, I walk among them. I’m in their world. I work there. I lunch there. It’s may be the closest I get to being one of them.

Stay with me,
DJ Render

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